Competition Time...
If you follow The Gangsters on Facebook then you may have noticed we've recently updated our 'Cover Photo'. While we we're having the photos taken 'Andy Gangster' decided on a slightly different pose than the rest of us! The picture was so good it seemed a shame to waste it, so were giving away a set of Gangsters 'merchandise' for the best caption for this picture! To enter this competition you need to register on our website (click here) only 'Registered Members' will see the Competition Tab where add your caption. Please don't use bad language or be too rude about Andy, he's a sensitive chap! The closing date is Friday 26th May.
It's all too much...
During the photo shoot it all became a bit too much for Steve and he became a bit emotional, as you can see from the photo he was almost reduced to tears and couldn't face the camera! It could be that he's just so proud to be a member of The Gangsters, the photographer was complaining about the flash reflecting off his head or just the Burnley had avoided relegation!
Don't forget this coming Friday (12th May) we're back at The Smugglers Return, Worthing. The last gig was rammed, so make sure you get your tickets NOW, to avoid disappointment!